Hours and Fees
Opening Hours : 9:00AM - 5:00PM (Please enter by 4:00PM)
Closed : Wednesdays and New Year Holidays(12/29 - 1/3)
Admission : Free (Note: There is a fee to use the Tea Room)
Closed : Wednesdays and New Year Holidays(12/29 - 1/3)
Admission : Free (Note: There is a fee to use the Tea Room)
Room Fee : Half day 4,400 YEN (AM : 9:00 - 12:00 or PM 1:00PM - 4:30PM)
Rental Tea Set : 2,200 YEN /half day
Reservation: Reservation is required.
Reservations can be made 3 months in advance to the day before.
-Use for social gatherings or commercial purposes is not permitted.
-The fee must be paid in advance. (Please note that fees already paid are non-refundable)
-Please bring your own charcoal, tea utensils (Chasen), toothpick (Kuromoji), and dish towel.
-Outside foods and drinks, and smoking are not permitted in the tea room.
-Please finish on time. Please note that preparation and cleaning time should be included in this time slot.
-In the event of damage to the building or its furnishings, you will be required to pay for the damage.
-The conference room is not available for use.
-No food is allowed in the park or at the museum including the rest area.
Rental Tea Set : 2,200 YEN /half day
Reservation: Reservation is required.
Reservations can be made 3 months in advance to the day before.
-Use for social gatherings or commercial purposes is not permitted.
-The fee must be paid in advance. (Please note that fees already paid are non-refundable)
-Please bring your own charcoal, tea utensils (Chasen), toothpick (Kuromoji), and dish towel.
-Outside foods and drinks, and smoking are not permitted in the tea room.
-Please finish on time. Please note that preparation and cleaning time should be included in this time slot.
-In the event of damage to the building or its furnishings, you will be required to pay for the damage.
-The conference room is not available for use.
-No food is allowed in the park or at the museum including the rest area.